Virgin baut Flüge von LHR nach Nordamerika aus.
Da LHR für einige von uns sehr gut erreichbar ist, sind das vielleicht Alternativen zu BA-Flügen
ZitatAlles anzeigenVirgin Atlantic on Monday (07NOV11) announced it’ll be boosting London Heathrow – San Francisco service from Daily to 10 weekly from 26MAR12 and will launch London Heathrow – Vancouver service starting 26MAY12.
New flights/routes are currently not available for reservation as they are not yet loaded in VS’ system, at time this post goes to press. Reservation should open within weeks.
London Heathrow – San Francisco
VS041 LHR1300 – 1650SFO 343 135
VS042 SFO1850 – 1345+1LHR 343 135
There will be schedule changes to existing VS019/020 service, which will be reported on this site when it’s available.
London Heathrow – Vancouver
VS095 LHR1300 – 1510YVR 343 x135
VS096 YVR1950 – 1345+1LHR 343 x135
Airline Route
Virgin Atlantic Boosting San Francisco Service and to Launch Vancouver Flight in S12 | Airline Route